Of all the things the mind can perceive, that enable us to decide what is and what isn't. If it isn't, isn't it real? What is reality? how do we understand it? What is consciousness, our ability to be aware? This is an effort to collect some information I have stumbled upon in my amazing voyage of discovery. This is a blog about the Vedas and the String theory, the observer and the observed, the phenomenon and perception and finally about the amazing masters who saw it and their teachings.

Where Science and Buddhism Meet

 This is a beautiful movie on Emptiness, interconnectivity and the nature of reality. It makes the case that Non Material and Material, Intuitive and Rationalistic, Spiritual and Scientific are actually two ways of understanding one reality; two sides of the same coin. A very important thing to keep in mind while watching this is there is a large discrepancy between how we perceive reality and how reality really is.

Buddha said that reality arises from emptiness; a non dual and infinite source. For instance the chair you are sitting on, the computer you are looking at, even your body is arising in this moment from emptiness . Emptiness can be understood as a field of potential where every possibility arises. Emptiness is the same as the Tao in Taoism , Brahman in Hinduism and the Quantum field in Quantum physics. Atoms are 99.999999999999% empty space. This forces us to redefine how we see ourselves and reality. If our bodies and everything around us is pretty much empty space, why do things appear and feel like solid shapes? Our hands do not actually touch anything. There is a repulsive force between the atoms of our hands and the object we are touching. This creates the illusion of solidity. Matter is nothing but those regions of space where the electromagnetic Quantum field is most intense. Everything in the universe is interconnected. The appearance that we are separate from everything else is just an illusion.